What to Expect

To tell you the truth, every client is different, and I try to make every experience unique. But there are a few general things one should expect when booking a session with me:

 When you book your session, your deposit is due along with your desired date immediately to lock you down in my calendar (for newborns, only a due date is needed). This way, no one can take your spot! I'll send you a pay-pal invoice, and boom. It's done. 

When we meet up for the session, plan for it to last anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours. Newborns can take longer up to 5 hours if needed, and of course weddings are all day usually. But as a general rule, please set this day aside, or at least half of it. I want you guys to enjoy your time, and not feel rushed because of appointments or other activities scheduled the same day. 

After the session, expect your gallery to be available within two weeks. Now, I say two weeks, but I'm an instant gratification kind of person (as my clients well know) so usually your gallery is available after one week. But to allow for the unexpected, or should I be extremely busy (hopefully!) please allow 2 weeks. 

Once the gallery is up, you will have 4 days to place your order. After the 4 day period, it is a $25 fee to re-host your gallery. You may place a la cart orders via the website, but for packages and specialty products you must be in contact with me to choose the images you want for the product. Also, the day your gallery is posted, I will get with you to schedule an in person viewing/ordering session. These are not mandatory, but are highly recommended. I have so many clients with one thing in common... "I can't decide!" Well, that's what I'm here for! I personally bring your images (on my laptop) and we view them big screen! I also bring samples of my products for you to see, touch and feel. Then we talk about what you want on your wall, or coffee table, etc. This is where I personally help you in designing and making your investment worth it and something to show off!  Invite the grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, anyone who might be interested in purchasing prints. I'll bring invoices. 50% of it is due at the viewing/ordering session, and 50% will be invoiced to you. When the remainder is paid, your order is placed! Easy peasy. Most of the time once your order is in, prints and discs can be shipped to you. But for the canvases, those are my babies! And I try to personally deliver those, and even help you pick a spot on the wall. If you have a web-sharing or high resolution disc with your purchase, those will be shipped to you once your order is placed or your gallery expires, which ever comes first.  

So in short, when you hire me, you have my devotion from start to finish. Let's get started!!