
So, can I just say, congratulations!!!! Welcome (if you're a first time parent) to the greatest adventure of your life!! If you're no newbie and have more than one, can I just say that I look up to you? I can't wait til we have more and can't imagine how you do it!

Ok, with that said, I'm honored that you would consider me to be the one to capture this time in your life. So now lets get down to the nuts and bolts. I love, I mean *love* to do maternity, newborn, and first year portraits.  I also offer print/digital packages for all three, but its best to get in touch with me for the skinny on that.(Oh, and of course you can book them separately....I understand all three at one time is a commitment and a half)

I have a lot of ladies ask me when is best for maternity photos. I usually say somewhere around the 30 week mark. By then you have a nice 'bump', but you haven't reached the "oh-my-gawsh-ready-to-have-this-kid-already" phase.  I want you to still be comfortable and feel as beautiful as you look.  And you DO look beautiful. Yes you do. Don't argue.

After the bump? Ohhh it's time for squishiness. 

 I use the word squishy to describe the oh so yummy sweet phase of the newborn. That is, when they are asleep, fed, happy, warm, comfortable….you get the idea. Yes, they keep you up all hours, yes they might pee and poop on you..but did you ever think you could love someone so much?? I can't tell you how important it is to capture this time. Mainly because most likely by the time its over, you'll really remember very little. It's a bit of a fog. Sleep deprivation can do that to you. But it really, truly is such a wonderful time. I really could go on and on about that. But let's talk about the session, shall we?

Age. The best time to shoot a newborn is between the 6th and 12th day of life. By day six, mother's milk has come in (if your breast feeding) and all signs of jaundice are gone and baby acne has yet to set in. Also, this kind of sleep is short lived. If a newborn is kept fed and warm, they sleep through just about anything. This is how you get all those sweet curled up poses, creamy skin (mad baby=splotchy skin) and maybe even a tiny smile or two. But, don't panic if you have a 3 week old and are just now able to plan a session. Don't worry! I have worked with babies up to 6 weeks of age and still had amazing results. I understand!! And I am patient. Like, 4 hours is my normal session time patient. These are little people, with their own wants and needs, and they come first, before any cutesy poses or set ups. We take breaks for feeding and for mama-time, and I come prepared to get peed and pooped on. Yep, its happened and its OK. :)

A full tummy. #1 most important! If you are breast feeding, make sure your milk has come in and that feedings are going smoothly (as they can with breast feeding, trust me, been there, I know its an adventure). Before a session, go ahead and top baby off and get them nice and full and burped. Nothing is more upsetting to a baby than a gassy tummy. But we will absolutely take breaks to make sure all of this is taken care of.  ;) 

Warmth. I recommend my clients have the house at at least 80 degrees for a newborn session. I also bring a space heater. Why? Well, would you like to be brought from a nap in nice warm swaddle to a cold room or chilly blanket? Nope. Me neither. Also, newbies cannot regulate their body temperature just yet. Basically we try as best we can to mimic the womb, which is warm (98.6 to be exact) and….

Noisy. Any mother of a colicky baby will tell you---I stand near the (blow dryer, running sink, fan, vacuum cleaner) noise and that's only thing that calms them! Why? Because the womb is a noisy place. Crazy as it may sound to you and I, any kind of 'white" noise comforts a newborn.

So, where's the place? Generally I like to go to a newborn for a few reasons. 1) Home is the only other environment they've semi-adapted to since being out in this crazy world, and shuffling them around can be upsetting. So it keeps the baby happier to be at home. That is my number one reason for everything during these sessions. Its. All. About. The. Baby. But you knew that ;) 2)Mom and Dad are tired!!! I remember and I know what it takes to get out of the house with a baby. Why not let me come to you, relax and then you actually get to assist me, if you like, during the session? I know as a mother I like to remain hands on. and 3) my equipment is mobile for this very reason. Clients are always welcome to come to my home, always, but usually they prefer I come to them. I prefer it too. ;) Oh, and don't clean before I come over? Because then I feel too much like "company" and it hurts my feelings. ;) Just kidding, but I really want this to be a *relaxing* time to enjoy your new addition. I'll also take some 'lifestyle' type pictures, of  cuddling, changing and interacting.  I'll bring everything I need, but if there's a special or sentimental you'd like to include, by all means! 

Time? Speaking from experience, newborns do best in the morning. No..I'm not talking about 3am. Although they like that time, don't they? I'm saying more like 8 or 9am. Every baby has their "best" time of day, and after about day 6 you'll start to know what time that is, so let me know and we'll schedule it for then. Also I like to do these during the weekdays, Mon-Fri, because weekends are family time, visitor time and church time and mamas are on maternity leave anyway.

Ok, whew!! I think we've covered most of the basics. I find that the more educated and prepared clients are the smoother the session goes, the happier the baby is, and the better the pictures are. These sessions are not rushed and the final product of these I think gives me more satisfaction than any other type of photography I do. Now, lets get to booking! And again, congratulations!!