
Monday, June 4, 2012

Lesson Learned. {Statesboro, GA Newborn Lifestyle Family Photographer

Getting my images ready for Evy's 1st year album, and I came across this one. ♥ You'll have to forgive my sentimentality this morning, but her birthday is just around the corner and this picture is so special to me for a number of reasons. One, of course, it is of me and my precious girl, at only a few days old, taken by my husband. I can still feel how tiny she was in my arms back then. Secondly, it's because I may never have gotten to see this memory. Back in December, my hard drive crashed, and with it a ton of the first photos ever taken of Evy's life. Through the magic of data recovery, I was able to salvage the folder, and found this image. Lesson for today **back up your photographs** Please, I beg of you. I don't think I have ever felt such a sense of panic as when I thought those memories might be lost forever. Also, GET YOUR PICTURES OFF YOUR COMPUTER PEOPLE!!!! Print them, hang them, put them to use!! This is a BIG reason why a lot of photographers don't sell digital images. They end up on your *perishable* hard dives and never see the light of day. I am determined to correct this in my household. And I hope my clients, disc or not, have those memories displayed in a tangible form. I am so glad this picture made its way back to me. And at this very moment, it is on order, on its way to my wall, where it belongs.

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